Green Living

Posted by forbisnis On 16 September 2011 0 komentar

A wise proverb says: "I did not know it was love" and "Save our land, because there is only one earth". What can we do as the caliph face of the earth? A few small steps, which I hope we can consciously menyanyangi On Earth ... Cekidot guys! : D

  1.      Turn off unused lights and dripping will not disappoint. In addition to saving energy and clean water, reduce electricity costs.
  2.     Use energy saving light bulbs, although more expensive, the lamp 8 times stronger than average and up to 80% more efficient than traditional incandescent bulbs.
  3.     Light of day at most, with bright colors on walls, glass panels and use the lights to maximize the window.
  4.     Avoid waiting position of the electronic device that, when all equipment is turned off, CO2 emissions will be significantly reduced. Use the jack to the on-off button or unplug the power cord.
  5.     When charging the battery is fully charged, unplug the unit and this applies to mobile phones, electric shavers, electric toothbrushes or cameras, etc.
  6.     Reduce the time to open the refrigerator, the refrigerator door every minute, it takes an average of 3 minutes of energy to the original temperature in the refrigerator.
  7.     Do not buy cut flowers, if your area is not a decorative flower, it is obvious that the flowers are sent from other countries. This is a "carbon footprint" is a great result
  8.     Use washable cups, so we reduce the waste of disposable cups.
  9.     Bring reusable bags to cut, to bring their own bags, the number of plastic bags / Crackle requested.
  10.     Shop around for the environment around the house to, transportation and fuel costs are deleted.
  11.     Planting trees is likely in a good area, or participating in programs, planting trees.
  12.     Connect the AC adapter to a temperature that is considered sufficient. Avoid the use of maximum temperature and do not leave a vacuum, if air conditioning is more work for AC opens.
  13.     Use a timer to forget, to escape, turn off AC
  14.     The use of solar water heaters are more expensive in the long run you will save on electricity bills
  15.     Avoid eating and cooking the ingredients are fresh, unprocessed foods or packaging, energy is wasted, repetitive processes and reduce transport.
  16.     Buy local products, are also extremely cheap energy mengehmat. If coming from other regions, resulting in carbon dioxide emissions will be higher.
  17.     Recycling aluminum, plastic and paper, try to use them again and again.
  18.     Buying in bulk, in addition to its more expensive, but also saves money for the package. If too much, ask your friends or relatives to buy together.
  19.     Turn off the oven a few minutes before the time when it is closed on the left, oven heat is not lost.
  20.     Avoid fast food, the bad side of fast food health industry, the largest waste producer in the world.
  21.     Cut food into small, energy will be used more efficiently.
  22.     Wash clothes with cold water in large quantities and, if a small family gathering full capacity washing machine. This allows you to save water, reduce energy consumption and reduce the stress caused by detergents.
  23.     Using environmentally friendly detergents and cleaners, while the price can be very expensive, but if you are able to do it for the future of our planet and our children and grandchildren of China.
  24.     Use the furniture back when you make with antiques, flea market, to give to others or take it to be changed at will pangrajin bored
  25.     Donate a toy that is not appropriate for the age of your child, this will reduce the production of toys that continue to spend resources on our planet.
Read the article continues ..

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