backup Registry

Posted by forbisnis On 29 December 2010 0 komentar

We have our computer systems to avoid or prevent harm to the first, if you back up the registry in Windows registry, tinkers, long before a man. How can I "Sedia tinkering again for people" naereul. (Hc.. The ...) Well, how are you, we are in the Windows registry and ridiculed the time you make a mistake, because it's convenient to bring
How secure Windows registry as follows:
In the Registry Editor window, choose File> Export> Export tab and save the backup registry in the area where all folders and do the following:
To recover / restore registry setting error when you mess with the registry if that happens, for example> Import> then> save a backup of the registry before you open the menu, select the file, locate the folder
Hopefully the best ...:)

My Poor Forest ...

Posted by forbisnis On 03 November 2010 0 komentar

Neo-colonialism was born and developed in advance south from the Earth. Natural resources are the property of the earth a little extravagant lifestyle. Population growth occurs rapidly in these countries often fall guy to spend part of the world's natural resources. Luxury living in the north has become a significant factor.

Many northern states in the area of ​​natural forest resources, while demand for wood will continue to profit will be paid from the southern hemisphere, it is not surprising that the demand for timber at the regional level in Southeast Asia continues to grow. For example, China, for example, imported more than plywood imports more paper pulp, more work in your country. China also had to stop wood prodiksi countries, and demand for wood obtained from Russia, Indonesia, Malaysia and Canada.

When the supply of timber production thinning forests, illegal logging began to enter the protected areas include national parks and bring Eastern Indonesia: Pulau Pinang, Tanjung Putting National Park in Central Kalimantan is the most obvious example of exploitation of illegal logging has destroyed the forest a national park in Indonesia.

In addition to state chaotic evil national parks in Indonesia, it seems we still have the protection, including protected forests is very large. We still have a stock of 28 million hectares of protected areas spread over 530 cities, has become another problem is that it can support the conservation area, is a blow to the growing demand for global and regional timber requires spôsobené inváziou oil palm plantation and continued to zemi národnej mining level? Hopefully the government will now pay attention to this issue because the effects of forest destruction also shows the last national borders, such as landslides, floods, conflicts of human nature, the country burns with fire and fog.

It does not calculate the multiplier effect that comes as soil fertility, disease, insects, drought and so forth. It appears that a strong and legitimate government and national policy to support protection and restoration of forest resources is a major determinant of the future of forests in Indonesia, will be accepted